San Diego Unemployment Appeals

Our San Diego unemployment appeals attorney at the Law Office of Cyrus Mor provides representation at California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB) hearings throughout San Diego County.


Contact our firm today for a free consultation and case evaluation at (800) 683-5404.


If you have already been or think you will be denied unemployment insurance benefits, you can file an appeal to contest your denial. The appeal process in entirely different than your experience was when you filed your claim initially.


Once your appeal form is received, you will be provided with a hearing date to appear before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) at a CUIAB office in San Diego, which is a completely different agency.


People generally have one and only one opportunity to go through the appeal hearing process, which is known as level-1 appeals. Our unemployment attorney in San Diego, California provides in depth and comprehensive representation for unemployment appeals.


Each one of our clients meets with our hearing representative prior to the date of their hearing. This allows us to properly prepare each person for the questions they will be asked to answer during their hearing.


It is important for you to note that regardless of whether you have representation at your hearing, you will be asked to answer the ALJ’s as well as your most recent employer’s questions. In other words, you have to speak at your hearing no matter what. Therefore, it should make logical sense to you that you should be sufficiently prepared for what to expect at your hearing prior to attending.


Once you provide testimony on an issue at your hearing, you cannot request another hearing if you lose your case. If you lose at your hearing, you will be stuck at the level-2 CUIAB Board Appeal which is a written document that is sent to the CUIAB. The Board Appeal is a much different process and does not allow you to speak with an ALJ in person. The Board will simply review your decision from ALJ and determine whether they agree or disagree with the decision.


Unemployment appeals in San Diego can be tricky as your employer will likely attend your hearing with a representative, your former HR or supervisor (sometimes both) will also be there, and in some cases a few of your former co-workers will also be in attendance.


Preparation and confidence is key to winning your hearing. You obviously will become better at the hearing process itself if you practice this process beforehand. Our firm goes above and beyond providing people with intensive in-person practice prior to your hearing. We have had tremendous results through this training and comprehensive approach to unemployment appeals hearings.


Our San Diego unemployment appeals lawyer has become one of the leading representatives for CUIAB hearings in California. We have achieved this notoriety by taking the time to assess each one of our clients’ cases with passion and a sense of determination to succeed.


We strongly suggest that you contact our office today to receive more information about our appeals process and how it can help you recover your unemployment benefits in San Diego.





(800) 683-5404

