Employment Retaliation Lawyer

The Law Office of Cyrus Mor represents employees who have been terminated due to retaliation by their employers. There are numerous California and Federal laws which address the issue of retaliatory measures which are sometimes taken by employers. Contact us today to receive a free case evaluation at (949) 783-4148.


If an employer unlawfully retaliates against an employee, the employee may be entitled to compensation and damages as a result of the retaliation. Generally, it is unlawful for employers to terminate employees in response to the employees filing a complaint against the employer, testifying against the employer, or for objecting to conduct of the employer which is unlawful.


If you have been terminated, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced retaliation lawyer at the Law Office of Cyrus Mor. Each caller is provided with a free consultation which allows us to assess whether good facts exist for a retaliation case.


Employee Retaliation Attorneys


Employees are not just protected from retaliation which results in termination but may also be entitled to damages and other relief when the retaliation comes in the form of a pay cut or lay-off. Additionally, if your employer changes the nature of your employment conditions, you may be entitled to relief. It is important to seek the advice of an employment attorney immediately to secure your claim.


Fair Labor and Standards Act (FLSA)

Under the Fair Labor and Standards Act, employers are prohibited from terminating an employee based on employees filing a complaint or testifying in a legal proceeding against the employer. Simply put, employers cannot discriminate against or prevent an employee from engaging in a lawful activity which is protected by law. Moreover, an employer cannot retaliate and terminate an employee for making requests or taking certain action which in and of itself is legally protected.


Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)

Similar to the FLSA, the FEHA creates certain protections for employees from retaliatory measures taken by their employers. It is unlawful for an employer to terminate an employee for complaining about the employer’s violation of the policies and procedures delineated in the FEHA. For example, if an employee threatens to sue their employer because of apparent gender discrimination, and the employee is subsequently terminated for making such complaints, the employee may have a good case for retaliation against the employer.


Title VII

Under Title VII, employees are protected against retaliation from their employers when the employer’s actions are materially adverse to that of a reasonable employee. Title VII protects the rights of employees and ensures that employees are not unlawfully retaliated against for taking part in protected activities. Additionally, employers cannot retaliate against employees for filing complaints against their employer, when the employee, in good faith, is under the mistaken belief that the employer’s conduct is unlawful. As long as the employee believes in good faith that the conduct of the employer is unlawful, the employee cannot be retaliated against.


Retaliation cases can be complex and confusing which is why it is crucial to seek the advice of a retaliation lawyer as soon as possible. At our firm, we provide clients aggressive and zealous retaliation representation when our client’s rights have been violated.



(800) 683-5404

